Money is Leaking Through Gaps

Network Tooling is Not Financially Aligned

The Story so Far

Everything is Networked

Networks have created trillions in wealth, fueled globalization, and revolutionized business.

Managing Complexity

Exponential growth, technological advancements, and increasing business demands have culminated in operational complexity, technical debt, and waste.

Business Criticality

9 in 10 executives are increasing network investment and say that the network is vital to bringing business outcomes to life.

7 out of 10 executives are struggling to keep pace with business demands.

Business Case Challenges

Despite this, FinOps cost optimization is tailored for cloud, ITAM and network tooling aren’t commercially aligned, and there isn’t sufficient data in ITFM tools to build robust business cases.

Business Challenges

What’s the problem?

The time taken by IT to present network reports and solutions results in gaps and missed opportunities. The CIO’s ability to define strategies and build accurate business cases is impacted.

Cost of the Problem?

IT struggles to meet business demands and communicate the ROI of initiatives, and the business is disconnected from IT.

Limitations with Current Solution

There is a disconnect between network tooling and business reporting. Data pipelines are cumbersome, processes are manual, and reporting is static and built using Microsoft Office.

Why Netos is Better

The fragments have been consolidated into a single tool, allowing the CIO to make agile, data driven, fact-based decisions.

Finance Challenges

What’s the problem?

The CFO needs to justify large budgets, with many questions unanswered; What’s the ROI? What are the alternatives? Can we cut costs? What services does it align to? Is it the best solution?

Cost of the Problem?

Money is spent keeping the lights on, the ROI of projects is not understood, opportunities are missed, and the finance team is disconnected from the network. 

Limitations with Current Solution

The Network team doesn’t have sufficient tooling to process the volume of data required to present financial insights to the CFO.

Why Netos is Better

The CFO and finance team have all the data they need to understand baseline costs, forecasts, IT service alignment, and provide defensible cost allocations for investments.

IT Challenges

What’s the problem?

The IT Network Team needs to balance day-to-day operations whilst being bombarded by new business demands. The engineering team gets bogged down in manual data processing.

Cost of the Problem?

Network investments, despite best efforts, can be rushed and opportunities are missed. Optimal strategies, better partners, and more cost effective solutions are not considered.

Limitations with Current Solution

IT Tooling is technical not commercial. Data is exported from advanced management systems into Excel, hampering speed. It’s like going from 100Gbps to 56k dial up.

Why Netos is Better

The engineering team can answer audit and compliance questions, and the Head of Networks can demonstrate efficiency and focus on value. 

Next Steps


Exponential growth, technological advancements, and increasing business demands have led to complexity and technical debt.


Millions of dollars in opportunities are lost in IT network investments due to poor quality data. This has a negative impact on the top line.


Discover your network, enrich the inventory, and models project outcomes on your existing NetBox install, or as a managed service.