Netos Insights

Enrich your Inventory

Lifecycle Reports

EoX data feeds reconciled with your live inventory

Finance Reports

Forecast spend, understand hidden costs and waste

TBM Integration

Align IT, Business and Finance using TBM categorizations

Capacity Analysis

Model consolidation and cost saving opportunities

Multi-Vendor End-of-Life Reports

Lifecycle Reports

Future and retrospective EoX reporting for all network vendors, and components such as chassis, modules, and line cards.

Inventory Drill Down

Color coded timeline views showing all major EoX milestones for all devices in your inventory, and all vendors where an EoX announcement has been made.

EoX Data Feeds

Netos have built dozens of data pipelines to source and normalize millions of EoX data records, ready to be automatically reconciled with your inventory.

Part ID Timelines

View EoX timelines for device Part IDs within your inventory or within the Data Feeds.

Select 4K for higher resolution

Financial Insights Within Your Inventory

Model Current OpEx Spend

Detailed forecast reports for network infrastructure and telecoms spend. For example, hardware support, managed services, and licensing costs.

Drill Down Forecast Data

Drill down into the raw financial data. You can attach. any combination of OpEx costs to a single device, for example, a router may have:

Macro Financial Reports

Macro reports provide an aggregated view of costs across many dimensions.

Telecoms Spend

OpEx forecasts and financial analysis for for telecoms spend, for example, internet (DIA) circuits, MPLS, transit, VPN, and cloud interconnects.

Align IT With Business & Finance Using TBM

Align with TBM

A flexible framework to quickly attach costs, roles, and business functions, in bulk to your inventory while aligning to IT, Finance, and Business.

Customize TBM

Assign network infrastructure to relevant pools, such as hardware, software, facilities, or services.

Select 4K for higher resolution

Consolidate Your LAN

LAN Utilization

Uncover potential risks with over utilization or areas for consolidation. For example, during an EoX LAN refresh, consolidate for cost savings.

Easy Data Management

Reconcile Data Feeds

When you have a complex network with thousands of devices and thousands of Part ID's it hard to know where there are gaps in the reporting. The Data Analysis report provides an instant view of potential data gaps for the Netos Team to investigate.

Export into Excel

Unnecessary manual work in Excel can be inefficient, however working with data in Excel is essential once all the data is in place. All data can be exported into predefined Excel templates.

Import from Excel

Oftentimes data is prepared and shared in Excel. Seed your inventory from Excel, and make updates as required. Netos is Excel friendly.

Data Feeds via Airflow

With Netos Fabric the framework is in place to synchronize with external APIs. For example, pull inventory data from network management systems for reconciliation in your Source of Truth, or push data to high-level reporting products.

Discover, Enrich, and Model

Netos Core

Data pipelines, ingestion, normalization and quality assurance

Netos Insights

End of life reporting, capacity analysis, finance, TBM, and inventory enrichment

Netos Projects

Model project outcomes, new business demands, and business cases

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