Netos Core

Powerful Data Pipeline


Load and transofrm data into any NetBox or Netos table

NetBox Logic

Create complex integrations to NetBox out-of-the-box

Solution Agnostic

Work with any vendor or API


Discover and integrate with any API

Scalable & Flexible Discovery

Scheduling & Orchestration

Schedule jobs to pull data from network devices via SSH and management (any other) systems via API

DAG Status & Audit Trail

Track the status of all DAG runs within the NetBox UI, either as standalone plugins, or as part of Netos Pod. For example, success, failure, and other polling or data sync outcomes.

Device Polling Tracker

Track the status of every device polling job down to command level. The data can be used for reporting, and advanced logic, such as dampening future polling jobs.

Customize Every Polling Job

Polling Templates allow you to select any combination of devices from your inventory for network discovery. From a few devices, to 50k devices, for example:

Scale with Airflow

Airflow syncs jobs with NetBox and provides seamless scalability to orchestrate discovery across your network.

Network State via API

All network data is pre-staged across multiple NoSQL indexes. You can pull the time-series network data in JSON format from the backend API for your own purposes, i.e. modelling a Network Digital Twin.

Lock Down Data Quality & Compliance

software Compliance

Report on whether devices are compliant according to your standard software versions, by device type.

Reconciliation & Reachability

Keep your inventory clean by managing unreachable devices and logical changes. For example, switches replaced under BAU (operations) or from a decommissioned site.

Reconciled Source of Truth

Detailed view of every device and its compliance status, with the option to reconcile any discrepancies. For example, a serial number change in a swapped line card or Device Type change following a router upgrade.

Seed Logical & Physical NetBox Inventories

Devices & Inventory

Auto-discover and map out physical and logical network topologies. Seed NetBox tables and find gaps in your network.

Discover, Enrich, and Report​​

Netos Core

Data pipelines, ingestion, normalization and quality assurance

Netos Insights

End of life reporting, capacity analysis, finance, TBM, and inventory enrichment

Netos Projects

Model project outcomes, new business demands, and business cases

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