Do You Have The Full Picture?

What's the Cost of the Gaps?

Networks have moved away from being just a hygiene factor to actually being true differentiators, and the businesses that recognize this outperform their peers

It’s Hard Keeping The Lights On

Technical Debt Compounds

Lost Opportunities

ITFM frameworks like Technology Business Management require accurate and up-to-date data and there is a big gap.

It takes months to prepare business cases, however  because of data gaps, inefficiencies, and resource constraints, the options often don’t represent the best value for money, or best business outcomes.

Wasted Investments

It’s estimated that the average Fortune 500 company wastes $52m of network spend and IT Leaders need greater availability, scale and performance.

98% of execs say the network is critical to driving business growth. 71% say low network maturity is negatively impacting business delivery.

Fragmented View of the Network

Existing network and inventory management tools, whilst excellent at their job, are not designed for the IT investment process.

This disconnect results in the Network Engineering Team picking up audit and accounting functions, and a fragmented view to the Business and Finance.

If you can’t demonstrate value and transparency into how dollars are being spent, you’re never going to have permission to be anything more than a keep-the-lights-on organization

Next Steps


Exponential growth, technological advancements, and increasing business demands have led to complexity and technical debt


Millions of dollars in opportunities are lost in IT network investments due to poor quality data. This has a negative impact on the top line


Discover your network, enrich the inventory, and models project outcomes on your existing NetBox install, or as a managed service.